She is getting bigger than we would like. She has started eating solid foods, both rice cereal and sweet potatoes. She scoots around all over the place, and I must say it is really funny to watch. She gets herself into pushup position and then pushes off with her toes. She laughs at almost everything that her brother does, and adores her dada. She plays with her toys now and actually likes to play peek-a-boo with her blankets. Unfortunatley she only does this when she is alone, but she sits up there and laughs to herself. She absolutely refuses to sit up as I think it makes her too much of a target for her brother and she would rather be mobil. She is about 27" long and a little over 16 lbs. although I swear she weighs more. She rolls both ways and can get away from her brother. She also is learning how to keep toys away from others. Unfortunatley we are still working on the sleeping through the night thing. Hopefully it starts sooner rather than later.
Also, Porter is sillier than ever. This is what I saw the other day when I walked into the living room.
Can you find Porter? I couldn't until he moved a little because he put it back down right where I set it in the first place, silly boy. And this is what he looks like when he doesn't want me to take a picture of Adie, he just wants me to take a picture of him so he gets in the way right before I take the picture. He really is silly, and I love him for it.
Wow time is flying! She is looking so big!
Adie is beautiful and I love her headband! By the way, it looks like maybe Porter was making a boat out of the couch like you guys used to do!!
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