Sunday, July 19, 2009


So here are a few of the aftermaths we have had lately....

Porter's first fudgesicle

He really is more chocolatey than you can see in the picture. But he enjoyed every minute of it and we got to hose him off afterwards.
Adie's first teething biscuit

And yes, oddly enough all of that came out in the laundry thanks to the magical oxi clean
After 4th of July treats (I must say I am pretty proud of this. It was a blueberry cheesecake pie all in one.)

Porter just catching an Adie with his fishing pole

She was as shocked as he was.


Stephanie Evans said...

Too funny! That pie looks delicious! You should open a bakery. I'd be your best customer :)

Retro Plants said...

that last picture is so FUNNY!
i would be shocked too!

Gurr Family said...

How fun that they bathe together. McKenna hate's baths so that would not be a good thing for Carson to be with her.