Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring Break!

Yay for Spring Break. We had all of these fun things planned to do then.....

(those with weak constitutions may not want to read the following)

Porter woke up Saturday night and he had thrown up all over the place. It took us a good hour to clean it all up and get him back in bed. It was nasty. So Eric stayed home from church with Porter and apparently he threw up again that morning. But Sunday night he was acting ok so we thought maybe he just ate something bad. Sunday night he wakes up again and has thrown up and it takes us another hour to clean it up and get him back in bed. After that he was just tired a lot so he slept and we tried to keep fluids in him and bland foods. By Tuesday he was acting fine so we thought is was all over. On Wenesday we went to the zoo and saw all kinds of fun animals. They had an elephant walking around the zoo, it was fun to get so close to it. Then, he wakes up Thursday night and has thrown up again.

Conclusion no more grapes and multi-grain breads for a while.

Then on Friday I started to feel sick, thought nothing of it thinking it would just pass. I was completely incapacitated on the couch for all of Saturday. I couldn't to anything to take care of the kids, I could hardley feed was ridiculous. I started to get really worried because I couldn't even keep water in me. I thought I was going to dehydrate and my milk would dry up. Luckily neither happened. Early Sunday morning I started to feel better, but we all ended up staying home from church so Eric could take care of all of us.

We finally thought it was all over and then we wake up Monday morning (school is in again) and Porter has thrown up again and then slept in it all night. I felt like such a horrible mom because I didn't even know. And he had the worst diarrhea as well, poor boy. So Eric hurried to help me clean up before he had to leave. Unfortunatley I wasn't 100% better so I was in tears by the time Eric had to leave. So he went to the classes he needed to and came home to help me. Poor guy, he didn't really get a break at all.

After reading you probably understand why there are no pictures on this week. There will be more soon.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

4 months with a little extra

Well, not all that much has happened this month which is why I haven't really posted anything. But here are some of the funny things I have seen this month with my chillins.

This was the very first trifle I ever made. It was so delicious. You can't tell in this picture, but it was actually about half gone on the other side. We had Doug and Rachel over to help us eat some of it. Thanks guys. It had angel food cake, cherry pie filling, whipped cream, cherry jello and brownies in it. mmmmmmmmm.......... Eric wished he had a bigger mouth.

Porter is such a loving boy. He loves to play with his sister. Wherever she is, he has to be. So this is how he plays with her when she is on the floor. He piles all of his toys in front of her. Unfortunately this over stimulates her and she gets frustrated. But he really is trying to play with her. I can't wait until she can play with him, he will be in heaven. He just loves his baby sister to pieces. What a good big brother.

I saw Porter running around like this the other day and thought it was the funniest thing ever. He made himself his own tutu out of his slinky. What a creative boy. The thing in his mouth is a baby bottle (you know the kind with fake milk that disappears when you turn it upside down). What a funny kid. The poor boy has been so sick lately. He woke up last night crying so I went in to see what was wrong. He just held his hands up to me and said "uh-oh", and when I touched him is when I found out that he had thrown up all over himself. It took both Eric and me to clean him and the room up, poor little boy. I felt so bad for him.

Adie has learned how to roll over, so here is her debut.

She also turned 4 months old and here is her picture. She cannot wait to move. I am excited to see how big she is this week at her appointment. She is growing so fast. I can't believe how fast time flies. She can scoot around in circles whether she is on her back or tummy. She laughs and smiles all the time, and she has her dada's laugh. Her blonde hair is growing in underneath the dark. And she has lots to say all the time, and loves to play with her toys. She can grab them but gets very impatient with herself. Soon enough she will be able to make her body do what she wants it to.