Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Don't touch anything!!!!

So with trying to sell our house I think that I have turned into the worst mom in the world. I have tried and tried to get the house the kind of clean I think that it should be. Does it really work? No. Have I lost all the motivation to do anything now? Sure have. In fact I sat on the couch almost all of yesterday (except for making meals and taking care of kids) and read "The Help". I have been wanting to read it for a while, but that hasn't been on my priority list. And now I am sucked in! Anyway, I also keep telling my kids, "don't touch that", "don't make a mess", "quit playing in there", blah, blah, blah. It's a good thing my kids are so patient with me. They are amazing, and I love them to death. In fact I am really gratefull that P doesn't have school this week so I can spend some time with him.

Well, we had our first open house this last weekend so we haven't really let the kids get ANY toys out. So they have resorted to the baby toys that are always out. This is what they have done lately.

This is L "the dog" being taken for a walk. When I first saw it I was worried as he has that attached to her shirt. Then as I watched, she was lovin' it! She giggled and followed him wherever he went. Which she usually does anyway, so I don't know why I thought it would be different. We did have a discussion though (for those that are worrying) about how you cannot pull her anywhere.
My poor deprived children....this is the first time they ever had pop rocks. P was so worried about it he wouldn't put them in his mouth. A on the other hand, dumped the whole bowl in her mouth. It was hilarious. These are their faces when they first put some in their mouth.
Also I have been wracking my brain trying to figure out what to do with my mantle since my plant died. I finally came up with something. I would like to completely finish it someday (the runner that is) but I just kept getting so mad at it! Anyway, tell me what you think. Well, I say that but really I only want to hear good things. I am not at a point in my life to hear criticism. So go on and tell me how great you think I am!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

busy, busy, busy

I do believe that this is a good indicator of how busy we have been and how our whole family feels right now. I walked into the kitchen and there she was almost falling out of the chair, absolutely sound asleep. Poor girl. As uncomfortable as she looks, of course I had to take a picture of her before I put her in bed.

Porter is my favorite little boy ever! I love his happy face all the time. Just look at that cheese. Anyway, he REALLY wanted his picture with his salmon slider so here it is. He is so funny. He even put an onion ring on it because he thought it would taste good, and yes he ate it that way, the whole thing. He is just like his dad.
If you want the recipe you can go to this blog to find it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I'm baaaack...

So since I can't get this above the picture it is going to be right here. We have been pretty busy lately which is why I haven't posted anything. I am back now, not saying that I am going to post every week or anything, but I am going to try to be better. Especially at the food blog that I started. I have so many recipes I want to add to it. Maybe a little later though. So here is just a little catch up and glimpse into what we have been doing.
Our one and only snowman this winter as we have really not had that much snow. Glad the kids got a chance to make one because they really wanted to. My favorite part is the chocolate money for a mouth and buttons, carrot nose, and football chocolate eyes.

Adie got into my makeup over Christmas. When I saw her I just started cracking up. She didn't know how to react because she didn't know if she was in trouble or not if you can't tell by the look on her face. I thought she looked like Hitler with that mascara mustache.

We went swimming in Utah with all the cousins. The kids had so much fun. Although it was also a wave pool and Port just didn't know what to do. He almost started crying and wouldn't go back into the water until it stopped.

Things that we have missed. Idaho (yes, I know some people think we are crazy, but we REALLY like it there.) and 75 mph speed limits. It felt so nice driving fast again.

These are the lego batman cupcakes I made for Porter's birthday. It was a lot of fun and I think they turned out pretty good. Although I forgot the capes.

Porter loved it. He even sang "Happy Birthday to me"
Eric went ice fishing with his brother one day. He was in heaven. He may have caught the least amount of fish, but he did catch the biggest. It was 25 inches long and 6 lbs. From what I understand that is pretty darn big for a rainbow trout.

Christmas at Grandma's house. Lottie didn't know what to think and Porter couldn't have been more excited about every little thing that he got. (as you can tell by his facial expression)

We also went bowling and yes, this is how Adie stood after every time that she bowled. Then waited, and waited, and waited, and waited for the ball to actually get to the pins with only enough momentum to knock down one pin. I loved it.

Lottie turned 8 months old and wants to walk. She just figured out crawling over Christmas and the first thing she did was try to climb the stairs. She is getting big so fast.

We also did a lot of other fun things like ice skating, and saw the lights on temple square, had a family party with my siblings and spent time with Eric's siblings. It was so much fun. We also spent a couple of days in Boise as Eric met with dental brokers to look into buying a practice there. That meeting pretty much ruled out Boise for us unfortunatley. Then Eric and I went up to IF and Rexburg to meet with another dentist selling his practice. It was a lot of fun to go and we realized exactly how much we missed that place. Then Eric went by himself up to Butte, MT meeting with a dentist up there and stopped in IF again on the way back and in Rexburg and in Blackfoot all to meet with dentists. He was a busy man looking for a job. We think that we may have found what we are looking for but we aren't going to say anything (although some of you already know) until we know for sure.