Porter is getting really excited that he can now stand by himself. He is starting to climb up on things and then let go of his own accord other than mom and dad making him. We are also excited as that means that he is going to walk soon and we don't have to carry him everywhere.
Eric also got an elk this year. I don't really understand the picture...but if you want to hear a hunting story that will make you laugh you better call Eric and find out how he got this elk.
Hey Melissa! The last time I saw you we were both pregnant weren't we? Or maybe just I was and your little one was brand new. Now I can't remember, geez! Your little boy is too cute! Isn't being a mommy so much fun! Dan and I are really enjoying being parents! Anyway, it was fun to find your blog and get an update on your guys' life! =)
I reall hope you guys see this. What is your blog address. We would love to see pictures of you guys too. I had just had Porter when we saw each other last. That is fun that you are in Ohio. Eric is interviewing there for dental school. That would be fun if we were in the same city. Anyway, it was good to hear from you.
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