Tuesday, July 19, 2011

the kiddos

I think this is one of Porter's favorite words right now. He is always asking me when I call them, "mom, just one kiddo, or both kiddos?" Or when playing, he'll be like "mom, you lost your kiddos!". Anyway, that is totally besides the point.
I got the kids pictures taken by a friend who just wanted some practice. I think she did an AMAZING job. Tell me what you think.
Well, for some reason this is being dumb and it won't let me edit my last post. And I am having to go a round about way to publish my posts too (if anyone knows how to fix it please let me know.) At 2 months she is 12 lbs. 6 oz. and 24 in. long. When comparing all 3 she is just 2 oz more than Adie, and 2 lbs. less than Porter. Man he sure was a chunky monkey.


Gurr Family said...

Your kiddos are adorable. I think Porter looks way older than 4.

Chrissy said...

Wow...Adie looks all grown up! So does Porter! Give them hugs from us.

Boss said...

Gorgeous photos! Who took them? I love Porter's expression. Watch out ladies! Or should I say, female kiddos?

Tasha said...

Katie did a great job!!!